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Välkommen till Human Pride Arvidsjaur 

Human Pride is a non-profit organization that promotes equality, diversity, and inclusion in the municipality of Arvidsjaur. The organization is dedicated to creating safe and supportive environments for LGBTQI individuals, newcomers, and other minority groups. It strives to raise awareness about human rights, diversity, feminism, LGBTQI issues, anti-racism, and social justice. Our vision is a world where everyone can live without fear of discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or other aspects. Human Pride is a voice for change and a platform for community within various societal groups.

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  • Filmvisning
    Multiple Dates
    Tue, 14 Jan
    Medborgarhuset, en trappa ner
    Medborgarhuset, en trappa ner, Storgatan 12, 933 31 Arvidsjaur, Sverige
    Medborgarhuset, en trappa ner, Storgatan 12, 933 31 Arvidsjaur, Sverige
    Arvidsjaurs filmförening, föreningen Human Pride och Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan bjuder in alla filmälskare till filmstudiecirkel. Se och diskutera filmer från olika genrer, länder och tider – både mainstream och oberoende kinematograf.


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